- Overview
- Environment
- Quick Start
- Configuration
- Commands
- mtk
- init-project
- config
- license
- mig
- show
- sync
- sync-schema
- sync-sequence
- sync-object-type
- sync-domain
- sync-wrapper
- sync-server
- sync-user-mapping
- sync-queue
- sync-table
- sync-nickname
- sync-rule
- sync-table-data
- sync-table-data-estimate
- sync-index
- sync-constraint
- sync-db-link
- sync-view
- sync-mview
- sync-function
- sync-procedure
- sync-package
- sync-trigger
- sync-synonym
- sync-table-data-com
- sync-alter-sequence
- sync-coll-statistics
- check-table-data
- gen
- gen completion
- encrypt
- convert-plsql
- report
- self
- mvd
- usql
- Graphical
- Faqs
- Release
Overview of MTK
MTK (Database Migration Toolkit) is a tool used for quickly importing the data structure and full data of Oracle/DB2/MySQL/openGauss/SqlServer/Informix into MogDB. MTK of the latest version also supports compatibility with MogDB by rewriting and importing stored procedures, functions, triggers and other program segments in Oracle databases.
Support for Multiple Database Types
- Supports migration from Oracle, DB2, SqlServer, MySQL, Informix, PostgreSQL to MogDB database.
- Database content can be exported as an executable SQL script.
Migration Performance Adjustment
- During data migration, such parameters as batch query and batch insert size can be modified to adjust the data migration performance.
- During data migration, multiple concurrency, parallelism, and data fragmentation are supported.
Structures Separated from Data
- Both the structure and data of the migration object can be migrated simultaneously. Additionally, migrating only the structure or only the data is also supported. Generally, data migration is later than structure migration.
- The migration range can be specified, such as table-level or schema-level migration. You can specify whether to migrate all objects or some objects under a schema.
- Schema remapping is supported during the migration. In other word, objects under the source schema can be migrated to a different schema in the target database.
Procedure Migration
- Supports migration of stored procedures, functions, triggers, and packages from Oracle/MySQL/DB2 to MogDB/openGauss, and rewrites the syntax.
Migration Scenario
Source Database | Target Database |
Oracle | MogDB |
Oracle | openGauss |
Oracle | MySQL |
Oracle | PostgreSQL |
MySQL | MogDB |
MySQL | openGauss |
MySQL | PostgreSQL |
DB2 | MogDB |
DB2 | openGauss |
DB2 | MySQL |
DB2 | PostgreSQL |
SqlServer | MogDB |
SqlServer | openGauss |
SqlServer | MySQL |
SqlServer | PostgreSQL |
PostgreSQL | MogDB |
PostgreSQL | openGauss |
Informix | MogDB |
Informix | openGauss |
Supported Database Objects
For details, run the show-type command.
Name | Supported or Not | Description |
Schema | Supported | Oracle Users MySQL Database DB2 Schema SqlServer Database Schema |
Sequence | Supported | |
ObjectType | Supported | |
Domain | Not Supported | |
Wrapper | Supported | Only DB2 |
Server | Supported | Only DB2 |
User-mapping | Supported | Only DB2 |
Queue | Not Supported | |
Table | Supported | OBJECT TYPE TABLE is not |
NickName | Supported | Only DB2 |
Rule | Supported | |
TableData | Supported. | Table data |
Index | Supported | |
Constraint | Supported | |
DBLink | Supported | Database connection Support only the query |
View | Supported | |
MView | Supported | Materialize View |
Function | Supported | |
Procedure | Supported | |
Package | Supported | |
Trigger | Supported | |
Synonym | Supported | |
TableDataCom | Supported | Comparison of table column count |
AlterSequence | Supported | Synchronizing the last value of a sequence |
CollStatistics | Supported | Collection of statistics |
Procedure Conversion
MTK supports the following procedure conversion.
Type conversion of input and output parameters
Function overloading
"FROM dual" is removed.
Syntax conversion
Before Conversion After Conversion connect by CTE rewriting EXECUTE IMMEDIATE EXECUTE Partial syntax for EXIT WHEN NOT FOUND interval syntax mod syntax: counter mod 1000 = 0 mod(counter,4) == 0 null related syntax: !=|<> null is not null PIPE ROW RETURN NEXT select 1,2 into select 1,2 into STRICT select unique SELECT DISTINCT sequence nextval/currval nextval(xxx) SQLCODE SQLSTATE Partial syntax for truncate table -
Function conversion
Before conversion After conversion ADD_YEARS DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE RAISE NOTICE DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH octet_length DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR substr DBMS_STANDARD.RAISE EXCEPTION decode case when empty_blob/empty_clob null from_tz listagg string_agg months_between NUMTODSINTERVAL NUMTOYMINTERVAL nvl2 case when raise_application_error RAISE EXCEPTION SYS_CONTEXT SYSTIMESTAMP CURRENT_TIMESTAMP TO_CHAR ::varchar to_char(l_curr_time, 'TZH') EXTRACT( timezone_hour from l_curr_time) to_char(l_curr_time, 'TZM') EXTRACT( timezone_minute from l_curr_time) TO_CLOB "" TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ trunc date_trunc UTL_ROW.CAST_TO_RAW encode