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Supported Versions:

MTK Limit



Field Type Group Description
parallel int Indicates the degree of parallelism.
fetchSize int Specifies the row size for one row fetch. Valid values are 1-50000
batchSize int Specify the size of batch insert or Copy and make Commit.
bufferSize int Specifies the cache size (in MB) when querying or bulk inserting.
cpBufferSize int Defines the cache size (in MB) used in the Copy command.
oracleSelectParallel int Add hint /* +parallel(t,n) */ to the Oracle query statement. Please configure it carefully,
limit int64 Define how many rows to migrate per table.
scn string Consistency export transaction consistency point. Before v2.7.3, it was oraScn
splitTabSize int64 When the table size or partition size is larger than this value, the query task is split. Unit MB
splitTabMethod string A method for splitting a table query. Split table query method. The default split method is different for each database
splitTabTaskNum int The number of single-table/single-partition split tasks
splitTabSamplePercentage float64 Percentage sampled.

Appears in:


Limit Example

  "parallel": 2,
  "fetchSize": 1000,
  "batchSize": 1000,
  "bufferSize": 8,
  "cpBufferSize": 8,
  "oracleSelectParallel": 2,
  "channelCacheNum": 2000,
  "limit": 0,
  "splitTabSize": 5120,
  "splitTabMethod": "",
  "splitTabTaskNum": 0,
  "splitTabSamplePercentage": 0.1


Type: int

Desc: Indicates the degree of parallelism.

Create tables, constraints, etc. in parallel.

Default: 1


Type: int

Desc: Specifies the row size for one row fetch. Valid values are 1-50000

Support Oracle.

Default: 1000


Type: int

Desc: Specify the size of batch insert or Copy and make Commit.

Versions after 2.3.4 began to support batch Commit. The previous version only interacted with data in batches without committing

If the submission fails the program will exit and log the error data to the error file.

If you configure igErrorData the program will not exit and will log the error data to the error file and continue processing the data.

Valid values are 1-50000

Support Oracle, PostgreSQL, openGauss, MySQL.

Batch commit supports PostgreSQL/MogDB,MySQL.

Default: 1000


Type: int

Desc: Specifies the cache size (in MB) when querying or bulk inserting.

Valid values are 1-1024

Support PostgreSQL, openGauss, MySQL.

Default: 8


Type: int

Desc: Defines the cache size (in MB) used in the Copy command.

Valid values are 1-1024

Support PostgreSQL, openGauss, MySQL.

Default: 8


Type: int

Desc: Add hint /* +parallel(t,n) */ to the Oracle query statement. Please configure it carefully, considering the performance of the Oracle database.


Type: int64

Desc: Define how many rows to migrate per table. Defining this parameter no longer does table concurrent migrations.


Type: string

Desc: Consistency export transaction consistency point. Before v2.7.3, it was oraScn

DBType Desc
MySQL does not support configuration. Record the pos of the bin log
PostgreSQL Does not support configuration. Record snapshot
openGauss Not supported
SQLServer Not supported
Informix Not supported


Oracle AS OF SCN Example

  "scn": "41393786"

Oracle AS OF Timestamp Example

  "scn": "TO_TIMESTAMP('2021-12-01 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS')"

Add: v2.8.0


Type: int64

Desc: When the table size or partition size is larger than this value, the query task is split. Unit MB

Default: 5120

Add: v2.9.3


Type: string

Desc: A method for splitting a table query. Split table query method. The default split method is different for each database

  • Oracle
    • Auto : Select * from schema.table sample [0.000001,100)
    • ora_hash


  • auto
  • ora_hash
  • mod
  • rowid

Add: v2.9.3


Type: int

Desc: The number of single-table/single-partition split tasks

Add: v2.9.3


Type: float64

Desc: Percentage sampled.

Oracle : Select * from schema.table sample [0.000001,100)

Default: 0.1

Add: v2.9.3

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