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Database Migration Toolkit


The MTK(Database Migration Toolkit) helps you migrate your database

mtk [flags]


# init project
./mtk init-project -n ora2og

# Generate configuration file. 
# edit connection information and migration objects (tables/schemas). 
# the directory definition does not need to be modified
vi ora2og/config/mtk.json

# Run
./mtk -c ora2og/config/mtk.json

# Specify migration report
./mtk -c ora2og/config/mtk.json

# Specify debug mode
./mtk -c ora2og/config/mtk.json --debug

# Migrate to a file
./mtk -c ora2og/config/mtk.json --file

# Only Schema is migrated
./mtk -c ora2og/config/mtk.json --schemaOnly

# Only Data is migrated
./mtk -c ora2og/config/mtk.json --dataOnly

# Defining the migration table overrides the contents of the configuration file
./mtk -c ora2og/config/mtk.json --tables schema1.table1,schema2.table2

# Defining the migration schema overrides the contents of the configuration file
./mtk -c ora2og/config/mtk.json --schemas schema1,schema2

# Exclude specific object types
./mtk -c ora2og/config/mtk.json --exclude sequence,package


      --batchSize int                    Specify the batch size to be used for bulk/copy insert.
                                         Valid values are  1-50000, default batch size is 1000
                                         for MySQL,Oracle,openGauss,PostgreSQL.
      --bufferSize int                   Specify the Buffer size in MB, to be used inserting or querying. 
                                         Valid value is from 1 to 1024, default Buffer size is 8 MB
                                         for postgres,openGauss,mysql.
      --caseSensitive int                Object case parameters in SQL statements.
                                         1 - lower case 
                                         2 - upper case 
                                         3 - Keep it the same as the source database.
  -c, --config string                    Set mtk config file. Support json,yaml. [env MTK_CONFIG] (default "mtk.json")
      --cpBufferSize int                 Specify the Copy Buffer size in MB, to be used in the Copy Command. 
                                         Valid value is from 1 to 1024, default Copy Buffer Size is 8 MB
                                         for PostgreSQL,openGauss.
      --dataOnly                         the only Migrate table data
  -d, --debug                            Set the debug mode.
                                         Not necessary for the normal usage. [env MTK_DEBUG]
      --disableCollStatistics            disable Collect table statistics.
      --disableFKCons                    Disable table foreign key sync
      --disableIgnoreCase                Disable ignoring case queries
      --disableSelectPart                Disable the select by partition
      --disableTableDataComp             disable table select count compare.
      --enableSyncCompTabPro             Enable Synchronize table compressed properties
  -e, --exclude strings                  Exclude specific object types.
                                         For example, exclude=sequence,table
      --fetchSize int                    Specify fetch size in terms of number of rows should be fetched in result set at a time.
                                         Valid values are  1-50000, default fetch size is 1000
                                         for Oracle.
      --file                             export to file
      --fileType string                  Indicates the type of a file when data is to be exported to a file.
                                         support csv,sql
  -h, --help                             help for mtk
      --httpAddr string                  Set mtk run Http Service Address [env MTK_HTTP_ADDR]
      --license string                   Specify the license file
      --limit int                        Define how many rows of data to migrate.
                                         Specify that test does not specify that this parameter defaults to 10000
      --logDir string                    Set mtk run Http Service log dir [env MTK_LOG_DIR]
      --logfile string                   Set mtk log file. Default value is reportFile dir.
      --noTerminalReport                 The terminal does not print an overview of the migration report
  -p, --parallel int                     Specify the parallelism. 
                                         the degree of parallelism is now only useful when migrating table data and parallelism when creating an index. (default 1)
      --path string                      Indicates the directory of a file to which data is to be exported. 
                                         Default value is config.target.parameter.path. If not configured, the system default value ./data
                                         Command Value > Config Value > MTK Default Value
      --preRun                           preRun check.
  -r, --reportFile string                Set mtk report file or dir. If it is a file, use the file directory. 
                                         Default value is ./report
                                         report directory format [./report/reportYYYYMMDDHHMISS] ./report/report20210101121314
      --reportServer string              reportServer [env MTK_REPORT_SERVER]
      --schemaOnly                       the only Migrate schema ddl
      --schemas string                   the Migrate schema,Separated by commas.(schema1,schema2,db1)
      --scn string                       Consistency point in time. For Oracle Flashback Query SCN
      --seqLastNumAddNum int             The last value of the sequence is increased
      --splitTabMethod string            Define the split method. 
                                         Option: rowid,mod,ora_hash,auto
                                         Oracle defaults to auto(sample,mod), other databases default to mod
      --splitTabSamplePercentage float   Percentage sampled
      --splitTabSize int                 When the table size or partition size is larger than this value, the query task is split. Unit MB
      --splitTabTaskNum int              The number of single-table/single-partition split tasks
      --tableSkip stringArray            Define table split. Can be specified multiple times. 
                                         format schema.tableName --tableSkip MTK.TABLE01 --tableSkip MTK.TABLE02
      --tableSplit stringArray           Define table split. Can be specified multiple times. 
                                         format schema.tableName:where:where:where
                                         --tableSplit 'MTK.TABLE01: "ID">100 AND ID<=200: ID>200 AND ID<=300:ID>300'
                                         --tableSplit "MTK.TABLE02: \"ID\">100 AND ID<=200: ID>200 AND ID<=300:ID>300 AND COL1='1'"
      --tables string                    the Migrate tables,Separated by commas.(tab1,schema1.tab1)
      --test                             Whether to carry out migration testing, with the parameter limit migration part of the data.
                                         Test migration data is not commit, just testing whether the data is inserted properly
  -v, --version                          MTK Version


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