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mtk check-table-data

Check the table data for exception data


  1. date/datetime type contains zero data data

    • MySQL

      select * from table where (col_date >= '0000-00-00' and col_date < '0001-01-01')
  2. varchar/varchar2/char/text type contains char(0),chr(0),\0,0x00,x'00'

    • MySQL

      select * from table where (col_varchar like CONCAT('%', char(0),'%')
    • DB2

      select * from table where (col_varchar like '%'||x'00'||'%')
    • Oracle

      select * from table where (col_varchar like '%'||chr(0)||'%')
  3. Character set encoding

    • Oracle

      -- converts the column data to the encoding of the data character set,
      -- and then compares the length with the original data
      select * from table where ( LENGTHB(col_gbk_n) != LENGTHB(convert(col_gbk_n,'UTF8')) )
mtk check-table-data [flags]


  -h, --help   help for check-table-data

Options inherited from parent commands

      --caseSensitive int       Object case parameters in SQL statements.
                                1 - lower case 
                                2 - upper case 
                                3 - Keep it the same as the source database.
  -c, --config string           Set mtk config file. Support json,yaml. [env MTK_CONFIG] (default "mtk.json")
  -d, --debug                   Set the debug mode.
                                Not necessary for the normal usage. [env MTK_DEBUG]
      --disableIgnoreCase       Disable ignoring case queries
      --enableSyncCompTabPro    Enable Synchronize table compressed properties
      --file                    export to file
      --fileType string         Indicates the type of a file when data is to be exported to a file.
                                support csv,sql
      --license string          Specify the license file
      --noTerminalReport        The terminal does not print an overview of the migration report
  -p, --parallel int            Specify the parallelism. 
                                the degree of parallelism is now only useful when migrating table data and parallelism when creating an index. (default 1)
      --path string             Indicates the directory of a file to which data is to be exported. 
                                Default value is config.target.parameter.path. If not configured, the system default value ./data
                                Command Value > Config Value > MTK Default Value
      --preRun                  preRun check.
  -r, --reportFile string       Set mtk report file or dir. If it is a file, use the file directory. 
                                Default value is ./report
                                report directory format [./report/reportYYYYMMDDHHMISS] ./report/report20210101121314
      --schemas string          the Migrate schema,Separated by commas.(schema1,schema2,db1)
      --tableSkip stringArray   Define table split. Can be specified multiple times. 
                                format schema.tableName --tableSkip MTK.TABLE01 --tableSkip MTK.TABLE02
      --tables string           the Migrate tables,Separated by commas.(tab1,schema1.tab1)


  • mtk - Database Migration Toolkit
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