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Supported Versions:

MTK Parameter


Parameter configuration

Field Type Group Description
enableTableParallelQuery int other Ways to query table information. Test feature. No modification required
parallelInsert int other Parallel insert parallelism.
dropSchema bool object Drops the schema if it already exists in the target database.
dropExistingObject bool object Drop the object if the object already exists in the target database.
skipExistPLSQL bool object if you need not override existing functions or views disable this configuration directive, DDL will not include OR REPLACE
truncTable bool object Truncate table for the table when migrating data.
colKeyWords map[string]int object Column name keyword。 When the target is created, "" will be automatically added or the keyword will be case-converted
objKeyWords map[string]int object Object name keyword。 When the target is created, "" will be automatically added or the keyword will be case-converted
caseSensitive int object Case conversion for generated object names.
quoteMark bool object Use double or back-quote inclusion for object names in SQL statements.
ignoreTableDDLCompErr bool object Indicates whether to ignore the table structure comparison error.
parallelIndex int object Enable parallel creation of indexes for openGauss/MogDB, and the maximum parallelism of a single index is 32.
enableGlobalIndexToLocal bool object Convert the GLOBAL index of the non-unique index on the partition table to the LOCAL index.
path string file Indicates the directory of a file to which data is to be exported.
schemaPath string file sql script directory
dataPath string file data directory
errDataPath string file error data directory
fileType string file Indicates the type of file when data is to be exported to a file.
fileSize string file Indicates the size of a file when data is to be exported to a file. If this parameter is not configured, the file size is not limited.
sqlDBType string file Indicates the data insert syntax in the target database when data is to be exported to a file.
csvHeader bool file Indicates whether the CSV file header is included when data is to be exported to a CSV file. The CSV header is not exported by default.
csvNullValue string file csv empty value display
csvFieldDelimiter string file Indicates the default CSV delimiter.
csvOptionallyEnclosed string file Indicates the data wrapper.
timeFormat string file define time format
dateFormat string file define date format
dateTimeFormat string file define datetime format
excludeSysTable []string table Exclude system object definitions. If not configured, use the default value
enableSyncCompTabPro bool table Indicates whether to generate a DDL with the table compression.
tableOptions map[string]string table Configure the Add table attributes when creating a table option. For the time being, only openGauss/MogDB is supported.
indexOptions map[string]string table As with the tableOptions option configuration, it only takes effect for indexes.
remapSchema map[string]string remap Indicates whether to modify the name of schema during migration.
remapTable map[string]string remap Indicates whether to modify the table name during migration
remapTablespace map[string]string remap Indicates whether to modify the name of the tablespace during migration.
enableSyncTabTbsPro bool remap Indicates whether to generate a DDL with the tablespace.
noSupportPartTabToNormalTab bool partition Convert the partition table not supported by the target end to a normal table, and automatically remove the sub-partition table attributes not supported by the target end. Supported methods for checking the partition table
ignoreDB2PartInclusive bool partition Indicates whether to ignore the INCLUSIVE property of the key value ENDING in the DB2 partition.
igNotSupportIntervalPart bool partition Supports ignoring of some unsupported interval partition properties.
ignoreTabPartition bool partition Supports migration to the target database and ignoring of partition syntax.
ignoreTabPartitionTabList []string partition ignoreTabPartition whitelist
autoAddMaxvaluePart bool partition allows to automatically add a maxvalue partition to a partition table where no maxvalue partition exists.
igErrorData bool data Ignores the data that failed to insert and logs to a file..
enableBatchCommit bool data enable batch commit
replaceBCDate string data openGauss/MogDB/PostgreSQL time format does not support data before 4713 BC. Configuring this parameter will replace the data accordingly.
mySQLSkipErrorDateTimeData bool data Automatically skips the wrong time of MySQL.
columnTypeData map[string]string data Customize the data conversion method for the column type. When the source configures this parameter,
columnNameData map[string]string data Custom processing data conversion method. When the source configures this parameter,
enableConvEmptyStringToSpace bool data For scenarios where there is an empty string for a non-null column, convert an empty string to a space
compatibleIlLegaLChars bool data enable mogdb/openGauss copy option COMPATIBLE_ILLEGAL_CHARS
enableEncodeValid bool data Check encoding legality. for varchar/char
autoAddMySQLAutoIncr bool column Migrate to MySQL to automatically add MySQL AUTO_INCREMENT column.
autoAddMySQLAutoIncrTabList []string column Used with the AutoAddMySQLAutoIncr parameter.
ignoreNotSupportDefault bool column Supports ignoring of some default values of some unsupported columns. For example, the sys_guid.
replaceZeroDate string column openGauss/MogDB/PostgreSQL time format does not support 0000-00-00.
virtualColToNormalCol bool column Indicates whether to convert virtual columns in the source database into normal columns in the target database.
virtualColConv map[string]string column Indicates the virtual column expression conversion function.
mySQLToOgCharExpression string column MySQL migrated to openGauss to calculate the column length expression for char/varchar columns.
convertOracleIntegerToNumeric bool column Convert Oracle Integer type to NUMERIC. Support openGauss/MogDB/PostgreSQL
enableOgBlobClob bool column Migrate other databases Blob、Clob to openGauss Blob、Clob.
skipColumnType map[string]int column This parameter allows you to control skip a data type column during migration.
skipColumnName map[string]int column This parameter allows you to control skip a table column name during migration.
charLengthChangeExclude []string column When migrating across character sets, specify an expression for the CHAR type, match column names without length expansion.
enableCharTrimRightSpace bool column For char migration to varchar, it is allowed to intercept the space on the right side of the char type.
customColMap map[string]SQLType column Custom column type mapping. only Support openGauss/MogDB
enableConvertSrid bool gis Enable Convert Srid
defaultSrid string gis PostGis Default Srid
seqLastNumAddNum int sequence How much to increase when synchronizing sequenced the last value.
templateSeqName string sequence MySQL automatically increments columns convert sequences, templates for sequence names
largeSequence string sequence Whether to enable large sequence. only Support openGauss/MogDB
charAppendEmptyString bool select For ORA-29275: Partial multibyte character error.
charsetTranscode bool charset Transcode for wrong encoding.
convertPackageMethod string plsql How to migrate Oracle Package to openGauss/MogDB
enableAutoAddParenthesesForFunc bool plsql Enable automatic conversion, add parentheses to call procedures/function without parameters
customFuncTrans []TranFunc plsql Custom conversion PLSQL regular expression.

Appears in:


  "parallelInsert": 1,
  "dropSchema": false,
  "dropExistingObject": false,
  "skipExistPLSQL": false,
  "truncTable": false,
  "colKeyWords": {},
  "objKeyWords": {},
  "caseSensitive": 0,
  "quoteMark": false,
  "path": "./data",
  "schemaPath": "",
  "dataPath": "",
  "errDataPath": "",
  "fileType": "",
  "fileSize": "",
  "csvHeader": false,
  "csvNullValue": "",
  "csvFieldDelimiter": ",",
  "csvOptionallyEnclosed": "\"",
  "excludeSysTable": [],
  "remapSchema": {},
  "remapTable": {},
  "remapTablespace": {},
  "enableSyncTabTbsPro": false,
  "enableSyncCompTabPro": false,
  "timeFormat": "HH:MI:SS",
  "dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD",
  "dateTimeFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS",
  "timeStampFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SSXFFFFFF",
  "timeStampZoneFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SSXFFFFFF TZR",
  "noSupportPartTabToNormalTab": false,
  "ignoreDB2PartInclusive": false,
  "igNotSupportIntervalPart": false,
  "igErrorData": false,
  "enableBatchCommit": false,
  "ignoreTabPartition": false,
  "ignoreTabPartitionTabList": [],
  "autoAddMaxvaluePart": false,
  "autoAddMySQLAutoIncr": false,
  "autoAddMySQLAutoIncrTabList": [],
  "ignoreNotSupportDefault": false,
  "replaceZeroDate": "",
  "replaceBCDate": "",
  "virtualColToNormalCol": false,
  "virtualColConv": {},
  "convertOracleIntegerToNumeric": false,
  "enableOgBlobClob": false,
  "enableConvertSrid": false,
  "defaultSrid": "4326",
  "seqLastNumAddNum": 0,
  "skipColumnType": {},
  "skipColumnName": {},
  "columnTypeData": {},
  "columnNameData": {},
  "templateSeqName": "",
  "charAppendEmptyString": false,
  "tableOptions": {},
  "indexOptions": {},
  "enableGlobalIndexToLocal": false,
  "convertPackageMethod": "",
  "enableAutoAddParenthesesForFunc": false,
  "largeSequence": "",
  "enableConvEmptyStringToSpace": false,
  "customColMap": null,
  "compatibleIlLegaLChars": false
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