- Overview
- Environment
- Quick Start
- Configuration
- Commands
- mtk
- init-project
- config
- license
- mig
- show
- sync
- sync-schema
- sync-sequence
- sync-object-type
- sync-domain
- sync-wrapper
- sync-server
- sync-user-mapping
- sync-queue
- sync-table
- sync-nickname
- sync-rule
- sync-table-data
- sync-table-data-estimate
- sync-index
- sync-constraint
- sync-db-link
- sync-view
- sync-mview
- sync-function
- sync-procedure
- sync-package
- sync-trigger
- sync-synonym
- sync-table-data-com
- sync-alter-sequence
- sync-coll-statistics
- check-table-data
- gen
- gen completion
- encrypt
- convert-plsql
- report
- self
- mvd
- usql
- Graphical
- Faqs
- Release
MTK Parameter
Parameter configuration
Field | Type | Group | Description |
enableTableParallelQuery | int | other | Ways to query table information. Test feature. No modification required |
parallelInsert | int | other | Parallel insert parallelism. |
dropSchema | bool | object | Drops the schema if it already exists in the target database. |
dropExistingObject | bool | object | Drop the object if the object already exists in the target database. |
skipExistPLSQL | bool | object | if you need not override existing functions or views disable this configuration directive, DDL will not include OR REPLACE |
truncTable | bool | object | Truncate table for the table when migrating data. |
colKeyWords | map[string]int | object | Column name keyword。 When the target is created, "" will be automatically added or the keyword will be case-converted |
objKeyWords | map[string]int | object | Object name keyword。 When the target is created, "" will be automatically added or the keyword will be case-converted |
caseSensitive | int | object | Case conversion for generated object names. |
quoteMark | bool | object | Use double or back-quote inclusion for object names in SQL statements. |
ignoreTableDDLCompErr | bool | object | Indicates whether to ignore the table structure comparison error. |
parallelIndex | int | object | Enable parallel creation of indexes for openGauss/MogDB, and the maximum parallelism of a single index is 32. |
enableGlobalIndexToLocal | bool | object | Convert the GLOBAL index of the non-unique index on the partition table to the LOCAL index. |
path | string | file | Indicates the directory of a file to which data is to be exported. |
schemaPath | string | file | sql script directory |
dataPath | string | file | data directory |
errDataPath | string | file | error data directory |
fileType | string | file | Indicates the type of file when data is to be exported to a file. |
fileSize | string | file | Indicates the size of a file when data is to be exported to a file. If this parameter is not configured, the file size is not limited. |
sqlDBType | string | file | Indicates the data insert syntax in the target database when data is to be exported to a file. |
csvHeader | bool | file | Indicates whether the CSV file header is included when data is to be exported to a CSV file. The CSV header is not exported by default. |
csvNullValue | string | file | csv empty value display |
csvFieldDelimiter | string | file | Indicates the default CSV delimiter. |
csvOptionallyEnclosed | string | file | Indicates the data wrapper. |
timeFormat | string | file | define time format |
dateFormat | string | file | define date format |
dateTimeFormat | string | file | define datetime format |
excludeSysTable | []string | table | Exclude system object definitions. If not configured, use the default value |
enableSyncCompTabPro | bool | table | Indicates whether to generate a DDL with the table compression. |
tableOptions | map[string]string | table | Configure the Add table attributes when creating a table option. For the time being, only openGauss/MogDB is supported. |
indexOptions | map[string]string | table | As with the tableOptions option configuration, it only takes effect for indexes. |
remapSchema | map[string]string | remap | Indicates whether to modify the name of schema during migration. |
remapTable | map[string]string | remap | Indicates whether to modify the table name during migration |
remapTablespace | map[string]string | remap | Indicates whether to modify the name of the tablespace during migration. |
enableSyncTabTbsPro | bool | remap | Indicates whether to generate a DDL with the tablespace. |
noSupportPartTabToNormalTab | bool | partition | Convert the partition table not supported by the target end to a normal table, and automatically remove the sub-partition table attributes not supported by the target end. Supported methods for checking the partition table |
ignoreDB2PartInclusive | bool | partition | Indicates whether to ignore the INCLUSIVE property of the key value ENDING in the DB2 partition. |
igNotSupportIntervalPart | bool | partition | Supports ignoring of some unsupported interval partition properties. |
ignoreTabPartition | bool | partition | Supports migration to the target database and ignoring of partition syntax. |
ignoreTabPartitionTabList | []string | partition | ignoreTabPartition whitelist |
autoAddMaxvaluePart | bool | partition | allows to automatically add a maxvalue partition to a partition table where no maxvalue partition exists. |
igErrorData | bool | data | Ignores the data that failed to insert and logs to a file.. |
enableBatchCommit | bool | data | enable batch commit |
replaceBCDate | string | data | openGauss/MogDB/PostgreSQL time format does not support data before 4713 BC. Configuring this parameter will replace the data accordingly. |
mySQLSkipErrorDateTimeData | bool | data | Automatically skips the wrong time of MySQL. |
columnTypeData | map[string]string | data | Customize the data conversion method for the column type. When the source configures this parameter, |
columnNameData | map[string]string | data | Custom processing data conversion method. When the source configures this parameter, |
enableConvEmptyStringToSpace | bool | data | For scenarios where there is an empty string for a non-null column, convert an empty string to a space |
compatibleIlLegaLChars | bool | data | enable mogdb/openGauss copy option COMPATIBLE_ILLEGAL_CHARS |
enableEncodeValid | bool | data | Check encoding legality. for varchar/char |
autoAddMySQLAutoIncr | bool | column | Migrate to MySQL to automatically add MySQL AUTO_INCREMENT column. |
autoAddMySQLAutoIncrTabList | []string | column | Used with the AutoAddMySQLAutoIncr parameter. |
ignoreNotSupportDefault | bool | column | Supports ignoring of some default values of some unsupported columns. For example, the sys_guid . |
replaceZeroDate | string | column | openGauss/MogDB/PostgreSQL time format does not support 0000-00-00 . |
virtualColToNormalCol | bool | column | Indicates whether to convert virtual columns in the source database into normal columns in the target database. |
virtualColConv | map[string]string | column | Indicates the virtual column expression conversion function. |
mySQLToOgCharExpression | string | column | MySQL migrated to openGauss to calculate the column length expression for char/varchar columns. |
convertOracleIntegerToNumeric | bool | column | Convert Oracle Integer type to NUMERIC. Support openGauss/MogDB/PostgreSQL |
enableOgBlobClob | bool | column | Migrate other databases Blob、Clob to openGauss Blob、Clob. |
skipColumnType | map[string]int | column | This parameter allows you to control skip a data type column during migration. |
skipColumnName | map[string]int | column | This parameter allows you to control skip a table column name during migration. |
charLengthChangeExclude | []string | column | When migrating across character sets, specify an expression for the CHAR type, match column names without length expansion. |
enableCharTrimRightSpace | bool | column | For char migration to varchar, it is allowed to intercept the space on the right side of the char type. |
customColMap | map[string]SQLType | column | Custom column type mapping. only Support openGauss/MogDB |
enableConvertSrid | bool | gis | Enable Convert Srid |
defaultSrid | string | gis | PostGis Default Srid |
seqLastNumAddNum | int | sequence | How much to increase when synchronizing sequenced the last value. |
templateSeqName | string | sequence | MySQL automatically increments columns convert sequences, templates for sequence names |
largeSequence | string | sequence | Whether to enable large sequence. only Support openGauss/MogDB |
charAppendEmptyString | bool | select | For ORA-29275: Partial multibyte character error. |
charsetTranscode | bool | charset | Transcode for wrong encoding. |
convertPackageMethod | string | plsql | How to migrate Oracle Package to openGauss/MogDB |
enableAutoAddParenthesesForFunc | bool | plsql | Enable automatic conversion, add parentheses to call procedures/function without parameters |
customFuncTrans | []TranFunc | plsql | Custom conversion PLSQL regular expression. |
Appears in:
"parallelInsert": 1,
"dropSchema": false,
"dropExistingObject": false,
"skipExistPLSQL": false,
"truncTable": false,
"colKeyWords": {},
"objKeyWords": {},
"caseSensitive": 0,
"quoteMark": false,
"path": "./data",
"schemaPath": "",
"dataPath": "",
"errDataPath": "",
"fileType": "",
"fileSize": "",
"csvHeader": false,
"csvNullValue": "",
"csvFieldDelimiter": ",",
"csvOptionallyEnclosed": "\"",
"excludeSysTable": [],
"remapSchema": {},
"remapTable": {},
"remapTablespace": {},
"enableSyncTabTbsPro": false,
"enableSyncCompTabPro": false,
"timeFormat": "HH:MI:SS",
"dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD",
"dateTimeFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS",
"timeStampFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SSXFFFFFF",
"timeStampZoneFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SSXFFFFFF TZR",
"noSupportPartTabToNormalTab": false,
"ignoreDB2PartInclusive": false,
"igNotSupportIntervalPart": false,
"igErrorData": false,
"enableBatchCommit": false,
"ignoreTabPartition": false,
"ignoreTabPartitionTabList": [],
"autoAddMaxvaluePart": false,
"autoAddMySQLAutoIncr": false,
"autoAddMySQLAutoIncrTabList": [],
"ignoreNotSupportDefault": false,
"replaceZeroDate": "",
"replaceBCDate": "",
"virtualColToNormalCol": false,
"virtualColConv": {},
"convertOracleIntegerToNumeric": false,
"enableOgBlobClob": false,
"enableConvertSrid": false,
"defaultSrid": "4326",
"seqLastNumAddNum": 0,
"skipColumnType": {},
"skipColumnName": {},
"columnTypeData": {},
"columnNameData": {},
"templateSeqName": "",
"charAppendEmptyString": false,
"tableOptions": {},
"indexOptions": {},
"enableGlobalIndexToLocal": false,
"convertPackageMethod": "",
"enableAutoAddParenthesesForFunc": false,
"largeSequence": "",
"enableConvEmptyStringToSpace": false,
"customColMap": null,
"compatibleIlLegaLChars": false