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PG_SESSION_WLMSTAT displays corresponding load management information about the task currently executed by the user.

Table 1 PG_SESSION_WLMSTAT columns

Name Type Description
datid oid OID of the database that the backend is connected to
datname name Name of the database that the backend is connected to
threadid bigint Thread ID of the backend
sessionid bigint Session ID
processid integer Process ID of the backend
usesysid oid OID of the user logged in to the backend
appname text Name of the application connected to the backend
usename name Name of the user logged in to the backend
priority bigint Priority of Cgroup where the statement is located
attribute text Attributes of the statement:
- Ordinary: default attribute of a statement before it is parsed by the database
- Simple: simple statement
- Complicated: complicated statement
- Internal: internal statement of the database
block_time bigint Pending duration of the statement by now, in seconds
elapsed_time bigint Actual execution duration of the statement by now, in seconds
total_cpu_time bigint Total CPU usage duration of the statement on the database node in the last period (unit: s)
cpu_skew_percent integer CPU usage skew percentage of the statement on the database node in the last period
statement_mem integer statement_mem used for executing the statement (reserved column)
active_points integer Number of concurrently active points occupied by the statement in the resource pool
dop_value integer DOP value obtained by the statement from the resource pool
control_group text Unsupported currently
status text Status of the statement, including:
- pending: waiting to be executed
- running: being executed
- finished: finished normally
- aborted: terminated unexpectedly
- active: normal status except for those above
- unknown: unknown status
enqueue text Unsupported currently
resource_pool name Current resource pool where the statements are located
query text Latest query at the backend. If state is active, this column shows the ongoing query. In all other states, it shows the last query that was executed.
is_plana bool Unsupported currently
node_group text Unsupported currently
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