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Logical Replication Functions

  • pg_create_logical_replication_slot('slot_name', 'plugin_name')

    Description: Creates a logical replication slot.

    Parameter description:

    • slot_name

      Indicates the name of the streaming replication slot.

      Value range: a string, supporting only letters, digits, and the following special characters: _?-.

    • plugin_name

      Indicates the name of the plugin.

      Value range: a string, supporting mppdb_decoding

      Return type: name, text

      Note: The first return value is the slot name, and the second is the start LSN position for decoding in the logical replication slot.

  • pg_create_physical_replication_slot('slot_name', 'isDummyStandby')

    Description: Creates a physical replication slot.

    Parameter description:

    • slot_name

      Indicates the name of the streaming replication slot.

      Value range: a string, supporting only letters, digits, and the following special characters: _?-.

    • isDummyStandby

      Specifies whether the replication slot is created by connecting the secondary server to the primary server.

      Type: bool

      Return type: name, text

  • pg_drop_replication_slot('slot_name')

    Description: Deletes a streaming replication slot.

    Parameter description:

    • slot_name

      Indicates the name of the streaming replication slot.

      Value range: a string, supporting only letters, digits, and the following special characters: _?-.

      Return type: void

  • pg_logical_slot_peek_changes('slot_name', 'LSN', upto_nchanges, 'options_name', 'options_value')

    Description: Performs decoding but does not go to the next streaming replication slot. (The decoding result will be returned again on future calls.)

    Parameter description:

    • slot_name

      Indicates the name of the streaming replication slot.

      Value range: a string, supporting only letters, digits, and the following special characters: _?-.

    • LSN

      Indicates a target LSN. Decoding is performed only when an LSN is less than or equal to this value.

      Value range: a string, in the format of xlogid/xrecoff, for example, '1/2AAFC60' (If this parameter is set to NULL, the target LSN indicating the end position of decoding is not specified.)

    • upto_nchanges

      Indicates the number of decoded records (including the begin and commit timestamps). Assume that there are three transactions, which involve 3, 5, and 7 records, respectively. If upto_nchanges is 4, 8 records of the first two transactions will be decoded. Specifically, decoding is stopped when the number of decoded records exceeds 4 after decoding in the first two transactions is finished.

      Value range: a non-negative integer

      img NOTE: If any of the LSN and upto_nchanges values are reached, decoding ends.

    • options (optional)

      • include-xids

        Indicates whether the decoded data column contains XID information.

        Valid value:0 and 1. The default value is 1.

      • 0: The decoded data column does not contain XID information.

      • 1: The decoded data column contains XID information.

      • skip-empty-xacts

        Indicates whether to ignore empty transaction information during decoding.

        Valid value:0 and 1. The default value is 0.

      • 0: The empty transaction information is not ignored during decoding.

      • 1: The empty transaction information is ignored during decoding.

      • include-timestamp

        Indicates whether decoding information contains the commit timestamp.

        Valid value:0 and 1. The default value is 0.

      • 0: The decoding information does not contain the commit timestamp.

      • 1: The decoding information contains the commit timestamp.

    Return type: text, uint, text

    Note: The function returns the decoding result. Each decoding result contains three columns, corresponding to the above return types and indicating the LSN position, XID, and decoded content, respectively.

  • pg_logical_slot_get_changes('slot_name', 'LSN', upto_nchanges, 'options_name', 'options_value')

    Description: Performs decoding and goes to the next streaming replication slot.

    Parameter: This function has the same parameters as pg_logical_slot_peek_changes. For details, see pg_logical_slot_peek_ch….

  • pg_replication_slot_advance ('slot_name', 'LSN')

    Description: Directly goes to the streaming replication slot for a specified LSN, without outputting any decoding result.

    Parameter description:

    • slot_name

      Indicates the name of the streaming replication slot.

      Value range: a string, supporting only letters, digits, and the following special characters: _?-.

    • LSN

      Indicates a target LSN. Next decoding will be performed only in transactions whose commission position is greater than this value. If an input LSN is smaller than the position recorded in the current streaming replication slot, the function directly returns. If the input LSN is greater than the LSN of the current physical log, the latter LSN will be directly used for decoding.

      Value range: a string, in the format of xlogid/xrecoff

      Return type: name, text

      Note: A return result contains the slot name and LSN that is actually used for decoding.

  • pg_get_replication_slots

    Description: Obtains the replication slot list.

    Return type: text, text, text, oid, boolean, xid, xid, text, boolean


    mogdb=# select * from pg_get_replication_slots();
     slot_name |     plugin     | slot_type | datoid | active | xmin | catalog_xmin | restart_lsn | dummy_standby
     wkl001    | mppdb_decoding | logical   |  15914 | f      |      |      2079556 | 4/1B81D920  | f
     dn_6002   |                | physical  |      0 | t      |      |              | 8/7CB63BD8  | f
     dn_6004   |                | physical  |      0 | t      |      |              | 8/7CB63BD8  | f
     dn_6003   |                | physical  |      0 | t      |      |              | 8/7CB63BD8  | f
     gfslot001 | mppdb_decoding | logical   |  15914 | f      |      |      2412553 | 4/A54B2428  | f
    (5 rows)
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