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Acronym Definition/Description
2PL 2-Phase Locking
ACID Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability
AP Analytical Processing
ARM Advanced RISC Machine, a hardware architecture alternative to x86
CC Concurrency Control
CPU Central Processing Unit
DB Database
DBA Database Administrator
DBMS Database Management System
DDL Data Definition Language. Database Schema management language
DML Data Modification Language
ETL Extract, Transform, Load or Encounter Time Locking
FDW Foreign Data Wrapper
GC Garbage Collector
HA High Availability
HTAP Hybrid Transactional-Analytical Processing
IoT Internet of Things
IM In-Memory
IMDB In-Memory Database
IR Intermediate Representation of a source code, used in compilation and optimization
JIT Just In Time
JSON JavaScript Object Notation
KV Key Value
LLVM Low-Level Virtual Machine, refers to a compilation code or queries to IR
M2M Machine-to-Machine
ML Machine Learning
MM Main Memory
MO Memory Optimized
MOT Memory Optimized Tables storage engine (SE), pronounced as /em/ /oh/ /tee/
MVCC Multi-Version Concurrency Control
NUMA Non-Uniform Memory Access
OCC Optimistic Concurrency Control
OLTP Online Transaction Processing
PG PostgreSQL
RAW Reads-After-Writes
RC Return Code
RTO Recovery Time Objective
SE Storage Engine
SQL Structured Query Language
TCO Total Cost of Ownership
TP Transactional Processing
TPC-C An On-Line Transaction Processing Benchmark
Tpm-C Transactions-per-minute-C. A performance metric for TPC-C benchmark that counts new-order transactions.
TVM Tiny Virtual Machine
TSO Time Sharing Option
UDT User-Defined Type
WAL Write Ahead Log
XLOG A PostgreSQL implementation of transaction logging (WAL - described above)
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