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Extension Splitting


This feature is available since MogDB 3.1.0.


In MogDB 3.1.0, extensions are independently developed. Each extension of the related version corresponding to the server package can be downloaded from the website, facilitating installation of the latest extension package and independent upgrade of each extension.


User Role Functional Implementation
Delivery According to actual demands, each extension can be installed in the related directory through executing its installation script. Each extension of the related version corresponding to the server package can be downloaded from the website
O&M Each extension requires md5 verification consistency to ensure that the version and binary of the extension are consistent with the operating system.
O&M Each extension can be independently upgraded for bug fix or function enhancement.


Extension list:

  1. orafce: Oracle compatibility

  2. pg_bulkload: data import in batches

  3. pg_prewarm: data warm-up

  4. pg_repack: unlock vacuum

  5. PostGIS: spatial data extension

  6. wal2json: logical replication

  7. db_link: homogeneous database connection

  8. pg_trgm: full-text search

  9. whale: Oracle compatibility (MogDB version)


  1. postgresql_fdw: supports PostgreSQL/openGauss. It uses the openGauss libpq package.

  2. oracle_fdw: supports Oracle. It uses the Oracle 19c package, and supports the arm and x86 packages.

  3. mysql_fdw: support MySQL. It uses the MySQL 8.0 client package.


  1. For built-in extensions, whale, and db_link, and pg_trgm will be packaged with MogDB server since MogDB 3.1.0.
  2. Hot-upgrade extension is not supported temporarily.
  3. Uninstallation extension is not supported temporarily.
  4. Extension naming rule: Extension name-Community version of an extension-Version of MogDB server-Supported operating system-CPU architecture**.tar.gz**

Extension Acquisition

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