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In non-single-node mode, you can use the transfer.py tool to send the dictionary file used for full-text search and the files required by the PostGIS plug-in to other nodes.


  • Before running this tool, ensure that the following files exist in the $GAUSSHOME directory. Otherwise, an error will be reported. The error code is 52200:
    • script/gspylib/common/DbClusterInfo.py
    • script/gspylib/common/Common.py
    • script/gspylib/common/GaussLog.py
    • script/gspylib/threads/SshTool.py
  • The environment variable $GPHOME is set correctly.


  • Send the sourcefile to the destinationpath path of all nodes.

    transfer.py 1 sourcefile destinationpath
  • Send the sourcefile to the same path on the standby node of pgxc_node_name.

    transfer.py 2 sourcefile pgxc_node_name
  • Display the help information.

    transfer.py -? | --help

Parameter Description

  • Options are as follows:

    • 1: sends the current file to the destination file paths of all nodes.
    • 2: sends the current file to the same path on the standby node of the destination node.
  • sourcefile

    Path of the source file to be sent.

  • destinationpath

    Destination file path.

  • pgxc_node_name

    Destination node name.

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