HomeMogDBMogDB StackUqbar


Supported Versions:

Other Versions:

Recommended Parameter Settings

After installing the database, it is recommended to execute the following shell script to set the initialization parameters.


Before executing the script, please make sure that all relevant file directories mentioned in the script exist. If not, you need to run the mkdir -p <file directory> command to create it in advance.

For example: Before running gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "archive_dest='/ogarchive'", you can run ls -l to check if the directory exists. If it does not exist, run mkdir -p ogarchive to create this directory.


source ~/.bashrc

memory=`free|awk '{print $2}' |sed -n 2p`
if [[ $memory -le 4*1024*1024 ]]
    echo "If the database fails to start, lower the parameters max_process_memory and shared_buffers"
elif [[ $memory -gt 4*1024*1024 ]] && [[ $memory -le 8*1024*1024 ]]

##Memory-related parameters
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "max_process_memory=${max_process_memory}"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "shared_buffers=${shared_buffers}"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "work_mem=${work_mem}"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "maintenance_work_mem=${maintenance_work_mem}"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "cstore_buffers=16MB"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "wal_buffers=1GB"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "local_syscache_threshold=32MB"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "standby_shared_buffers_fraction=1"

##Connection access-related parameters
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "max_connections=${max_connections}"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "max_prepared_transactions=${max_connections}"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "listen_addresses = '*'"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "remote_read_mode=non_authentication"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "password_encryption_type=1"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "password_reuse_time=0"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "password_lock_time=0"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "password_effect_time=0"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "session_timeout=0"

##WAL-related parameters
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "wal_level=logical"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "full_page_writes=off"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "wal_log_hints=off"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "xloginsert_locks=48"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "advance_xlog_file_num=10"

##Replication-related parameters
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "synchronous_commit=on"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "wal_keep_segments=1024"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "max_wal_senders=16"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "recovery_max_workers=4"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "most_available_sync=on"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "max_size_for_xlog_prune=104857600"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "catchup2normal_wait_time=0"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_slot_log=on"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "max_replication_slots=32"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "wal_receiver_timeout=60s"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "sync_config_strategy=none_node"

##Log-related parameters
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "logging_collector=on"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "log_duration=on"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "log_line_prefix='%m %u %d %r %p %S'"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "log_checkpoints=on"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "plog_merge_age=0"

##Performance statistics-related parameters
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "vacuum_cost_limit=1000"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "autovacuum_max_workers=10"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "autovacuum_naptime=20s"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay=10"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor=0.05"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor=0.02"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "autovacuum_vacuum_threshold=200"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "autovacuum_analyze_threshold=200"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "autovacuum_io_limits=104857600"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "instr_unique_sql_count=200000"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_save_datachanged_timestamp=off"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "track_sql_count=off"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_instr_rt_percentile=off"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_instance_metric_persistent=off"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_logical_io_statistics=off"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_user_metric_persistent=off"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_mergejoin=on"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_nestloop=on"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_pbe_optimization=off"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_resource_track=on"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_wdr_snapshot=on"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "instr_unique_sql_count=5000"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_instr_rt_percentile=off"

##Client whitelist
gs_guc set -I all -N all -h "host     all      all    md5"

##Other parameters
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "checkpoint_segments=1024"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "checkpoint_completion_target=0.8"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "pagewriter_sleep=200"

gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_alarm=off"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_codegen=off"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "audit_enabled=off"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_asp=off"

gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "lc_messages='en_US.UTF-8'"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "lc_monetary='en_US.UTF-8'"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "lc_numeric='en_US.UTF-8'"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "lc_time='en_US.UTF-8'"

gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "update_lockwait_timeout=1min"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "lockwait_timeout=1min"

gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "max_files_per_process=100000"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "behavior_compat_options='display_leading_zero'"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "enable_thread_pool=off"
gs_guc set -I all -N all -c "track_activity_query_size=2048"

Restart the database to make the parameters take effect.

gs_om -t stop && gs_om -t start

After the database is initialized, it is recommended to create a new database and a new user if you need to test. For example, if you need to create a database and a user for TPCC testing, run the following commands.

\c tpcc_db
CREATE USER tpcc_usr WITH PASSWORD "tpcc@1234";
alter user tpcc_usr sysadmin;
GRANT ALL ON schema public TO tpcc_usr;
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