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Installation on Primary/Standby Nodes


  • A user group and a common user have been created.
  • All the server OSs and networks are functioning properly.
  • A common user must have the read, write, and execute permissions on the database package decompression path and installation path, and the installation path must be empty.
  • A common user has the execution permission on the downloaded MogDB package.
  • Before the installation, check whether all ports in the specified MogDB port matrix are occupied. If they are occupied, change the ports or stop the processes that uses the ports. For details about the port numbers, see the parameter description in step 3.


  1. Log in to the host where the package is installed as a common user and decompress the MogDB package to the installation directory.

    tar -jxf MogDB-2.0.1-openEuler-64bit.tar.bz2 -C /opt/software/mogdb

    NOTE: You can obtain the single-node installation package MogDB-2.0.3-openEuler-64bit.tar.bz2 from extracting the standard installation package MogDB-2.0.3-openEuler-all-arm_64.tar.gz. To obtain the standard installation package, visit MogDB Official Website.

  2. Assume that the decompressed package is stored in the /opt/software/mogdb directory. Go to the simpleInstall directory.

    cd /opt/software/mogdb/simpleInstall
  3. Run the sh install.sh -w <login password> command to install MogDB. For example, sh install.sh -w Aqz@179.

    sh install.sh  -w xxxx  --multinode

    img NOTE:

    • -w: initializes the database password (specified by gs_initdb). This parameter is mandatory for security purposes. Make sure that the password complexity requirement is met, including uppercase and lower case letters, characters, and digits.
    • -p: specifies the port number of the primary MogDB node. The default value is 5432. The port number of the standby node is that of the primary node plus 200. The default port number is 5632.
    • -multinode: determines whether the installation is performed on a single node or on primary/standby nodes.
    • -h|-help: displays usage instructions.
    • After the installation, the primary database node name is nodename1 and the standby database node name is nodename2.
    • The installation path of the primary database node directory is /opt/software/mogdb/data/master, and that of the standby node directory is /opt/software/mogdb/data/slave, in which /opt/software/mogdb is the decompression path, anddata/master(slave)** is the newly created database node directory.
  4. After the installation is complete, check whether the process is normal by using ps and gs_ctl.

    ps ux | grep mogdb
    gs_ctl query -D /opt/software/mogdb/data/master

    Run the ps command to display information similar to the following:

    omm  4879 11.8 1.1 2082452 373832 pts/0  Sl   14:26   8:29 /opt/software/mogdb/bin/gaussdb -D /opt/software/mogdb/data/master -M primary
    omm  5083  1.1  0.9 1819988 327200 pts/0  Sl   14:26   0:49 /opt/software/mogdb/bin/gaussdb -D /opt/software/mogdb/data/slave -M standby
    omm      20377  0.0  0.0 119880  1216 pts/0    S+   15:37   0:00 grep --color=auto mogdb

    Run the gs_ctl command to display information similar to the following:

    gs_ctl query ,datadir is /opt/software/mogdb/data/master
    HA state:
        local_role                     : Primary
        static_connections             : 1
        db_state                       : Normal
        detail_information             : Normal
    Senders info:
        sender_pid                     : 5165
        local_role                     : Primary
        peer_role                      : Standby
        peer_state                     : Normal
        state                          : Streaming
        sender_sent_location           : 0/4005148
        sender_write_location          : 0/4005148
        sender_flush_location          : 0/4005148
        sender_replay_location         : 0/4005148
        receiver_received_location     : 0/4005148
        receiver_write_location        : 0/4005148
        receiver_flush_location        : 0/4005148
        receiver_replay_location       : 0/4005148
        sync_percent                   : 100%
        sync_state                     : Sync
        sync_priority                  : 1
        sync_most_available            : Off
        channel                        :>
     Receiver info:
    No information
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