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Workload-level Index Recommendation

For workload-level indexes, you can run scripts outside the database to use this function. This function uses the workload of multiple DML statements as the input to generate a batch of indexes that can optimize the overall workload execution time.


  • The database is normal, and the client can be connected properly.
  • The gsql tool has been installed by the current user, and the tool path has been added to the PATH environment variable.
  • The Python 3.6+ environment is available.


  1. Prepare a file that contains multiple DML statements as the input workload. Each statement in the file occupies a line. You can obtain historical service statements from the offline logs of the database.

  2. Run the Python script index_advisor_workload.py:

    python index_advisor_workload.py [p PORT] [d DATABASE] [f FILE] [--h HOST] [-U USERNAME] [-W PASSWORD]
    [--max_index_num MAX_INDEX_NUM] [--multi_iter_mode]

    The input parameters are as follows:

    • PORT: port number of the connected database.

    • DATABASE: specifies the name of the connected database.

    • FILE: specifies the file path that contains the workload statement.

    • HOST: (optional) ID of the host that connects to the database.

    • USERNAME: (optional) username for connecting to the database.

    • PASSWORD: (optional) password for connecting to the database.

    • MAX_INDEX_NUM: (optional) maximum number of recommended indexes.

    • multi_iter_mode: (optional) algorithm mode. You can switch the algorithm mode by setting this parameter. For example:

      python index_advisor_workload.py 6001 postgres tpcc_log.txt --max_index_num 10 --multi_iter_mode

    The recommendation result is a batch of indexes, which are displayed on the screen in the format of multiple create index statements. The following is an example of the result.

    create index ind0 on bmsql_stock(s_i_id,s_w_id);
    create index ind1 on bmsql_customer(c_w_id,c_id,c_d_id);
    create index ind2 on bmsql_order_line(ol_w_id,ol_o_id,ol_d_id);
    create index ind3 on bmsql_item(i_id);
    create index ind4 on bmsql_oorder(o_w_id,o_id,o_d_id);
    create index ind5 on bmsql_new_order(no_w_id,no_d_id,no_o_id);
    create index ind6 on bmsql_customer(c_w_id,c_d_id,c_last,c_first);
    create index ind7 on bmsql_new_order(no_w_id);
    create index ind8 on bmsql_oorder(o_w_id,o_c_id,o_d_id);
    create index ind9 on bmsql_district(d_w_id);
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