Single-Field and Multi-Field Models
Uqbar supports single-field and multi-field write. Single-field model indicates that there is only one column that is neither TSTIME nor TSTAG during time-series table creation. Multi-field model indicates that there are multiple columns that are neither TSTIME nor TSTAG during time-series table creation.
Syntax Format
The INSERT and COPY syntaxes are supported.
INSERT INTO table_name[(targelist)] VALUES(value_list)[, (value_list)]...;
COPY table_name [ ( column_name [, ...] ) ]
FROM { 'filename' | STDIN }
[ [ USING ] DELIMITERS 'delimiters' ]
[ REJECT LIMIT 'limit' ]
[ WITH ( option [, ...] ) ]
| copy_option
| TRANSFORM ( { column_name [ data_type ] [ AS transform_expr ] } [, ...] )
| FIXED FORMATTER ( { column_name( offset, length ) } [, ...] ) [ ( option [, ...] ) | copy_option [ ...] ] ];
Create a single-field model table and insert data into the table.
MogDB=# CREATE TIMESERIES TABLE weather(time timestamp TSTIME, city text TSTAG, location text TSTAG, temperature float) POLICY default_policy; CREATE TIMESERIES TABLE MogDB=# INSERT INTO weather VALUES('2022-06-18 00:00:00', 'beijing', 'park', 36); INSERT 0 1
Create a multi-field model table and insert data into the table.
MogDB=# CREATE TIMESERIES TABLE weather(time timestamp TSTIME, city text TSTAG, location text TSTAG, temperature float, humidity float) POLICY default_policy; CREATE TIMESERIES TABLE MogDB=# INSERT INTO weather VALUES('2022-06-18 00:00:00', 'beijing', 'park', 36, 2.1); INSERT 0 1