Grafana Connects To Time-series Database (MD5 Mode)
Database password authentication method must be MD5.
Install Grafana.
docker run -d -p 3000: 3000 --name grafana grafana/grafana
Create a test table and insert data.
CREATE TABLE youtube( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, trending_date DATE, title TEXT, channel_title TEXT, publish_date TIMESTAMPTZ, views INTEGER, likes INTEGER, dislikes INTEGER ); insert into youtube select generate_series(1,300), current_date , md5((current_date + trunc(random()*100)::integer +' 00:22:22'::time + (trunc(random()*3600*24)||' second')::interval)::text), md5((current_date + trunc(random()*100)::integer +' 00:22:22'::time + (trunc(random()*3600*24)||' second')::interval)::text), current_date + trunc(random()*100)::integer +' 00:22:22'::time + (trunc(random()*3600*24)||' second')::interval, random()*1000, random()*2000, random()*400 ;
Configure Grafana.
Add data source.
Add dashboard.
Ensure that the generated SQL can be run.
SELECT time_bucket('60.000s',publish_date) AS "time", avg(dislikes) AS "dislikes" FROM youtube WHERE publish_date BETWEEN '2022-08-02T23:23:44.331Z' AND '2022-08-03T05:23:44.331Z' GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1
openGauss cannot execute SQL because there is no corresponding function.