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Supported Versions:

Data Query

Uqbar uses SQL as the query language, and users can connect to Uqbar through the client or different drivers to execute data queries. To support different data analysis needs of users, Uqbar provides a rich set of query operators.

Aggregation Operators

Uqbar of the current version supports the following common aggregation operators.

Aggregation Operator Description
COUNT Calculates the numeric count.
DISTINCT Deletes repetition.
AVG Calculates the average value.
MEDIAN Calculates the median.
MODE() WITHIN GROUP Calculates the maximum frequency.
STDDEV Calculates the standard deviation.
SUM Calculates sums.
TIME_BUCKET Aligns the time.
SUM...OVER... Calculates the cumulative sums.
AVG...OVER Calculates the moving average.


time_bucket is a time range alignment function. It is used for aligning a time based on bucket_width for aggregating time later.


time_bucket(bucket_width, time,[offset | origin])

Parameter Description

Parameter Name Type Mandatory or Not Description
bucket_width TEXT Yes Time interval in the Positive integer + Time mark format. The time mark includes all units supported by the interval type, including microsecond, millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, decade, century, millennium, the plurality of these units, such as years, months, and days, and the abbreviated format of these units, such as y, m, and d.
time TIMESTAMP Yes Time to be aligned.
offset INTERVAL No Adjusts the time window position. If the value is a positive, the time window moves forward. Otherwise, the time window moves backward.
origin TIMESTAMP No Base time. By default, the time is aligned based on 2001-1-1 00:00:00. This parameter is mutually exclusive with offset.


When time_bucket is used, because offset and origin are mutually exclusive, the third parameter of time_bucket may be offset (interval) or origin (timestamp). To distinguish offset and origin easily, using offset or origin needs to specify the third parameter, such as:

select time_bucket('5minute',time,'2001-1-1 00:00:00'::timestamp) as bucket ,count(temperature) from weather group by bucket order by bucket asc;


select time_bucket('1minute',time,'1minute'::interval) as bucket ,count(temperature) from weather group by bucket order by bucket asc;


Uqbar=#  select * from t1 order by time;
          time          | id | value 
 2022-06-02 00:01:00+08 |  1 |     9
 2022-06-02 00:04:00+08 |  1 |    11
 2022-06-02 00:06:00+08 |  1 |    10
 2022-06-02 00:07:00+08 |  1 |    11
 2022-06-02 00:15:00+08 |  1 |    12
(5 rows)

Uqbar=# select time_bucket('2 minute',time) as bucket, sum(value)  from t1 group by bucket order by bucket; 
          bucket         | sum 
 2022-06-02 00:00:00+08   |   9
 2022-06-02 00:04:00+08   |  11
 2022-06-02 00:06:00+08   |  21
 2022-06-02 00:14:00+08   |  12
(4 rows)

Selection Operators

Uqbar of the current version supports the following common selection operators.

Operator Description
FIRST Takes the first value.
LAST Takes the last value.
MAX Takes the maximum value.
MIN Takes the minimum value.
PERCENTILE Calculates a percentile value.
SAMPLE Returns N samples.
TOP Takes the top N values.

first() / last()

cmp_col is used for comparison to return the value of the column specified by the first or last value. The first and last operators in the timeseries_catalog schema is different from those in the public schema.


select city_name,timeseries_catalog.first(temp_c,time) from weather_metrics group by city_name;
select city_name,timeseries_catalog.last(temp_c,time) from weather_metrics group by city_name;
timeseries_catalog.first(value, cmp_col)
timeseries_catalog.last(value, cmp_col)

Parameter Description

Parameter Name Type Mandatory or Not Description
value ANY Yes Used for returning values.
cmp_col TIMESTAMP or TIMESTAMPTZ Yes Used for value comparison.


If there are same minimum or maximum values in the cmp_col column, return the first or last value.

If the values in the cmp_col column are constants, the first and last operators equal those in the public schema, and the first or last value will be returned.


Uqbar=# select city_name,timeseries_catalog.first(temp_c,time) from weather_metrics group by city_name; 
 city_name | first 
beijing    | 30
shanghai   | 29 
(2 row)

Conversion Operators

Uqbar of the current version supports the following common conversion operators.

Operator Description
ABS Calculates the absolute value.
ACOS A trigonometric function.
ASIN A trigonometric function.
ATAN A trigonometric function.
ATAN2 A trigonometric function.
CEIL Rounds up to an integer.
COS A trigonometric function.
EXP Calculates the exponent.
FLOOR Rounds down to an integer.
LN A log function.
LOG A log function.
POW Executes the exponentiation operation.
ROUND Executes the rounding off operation.
SIN A trigonometric function.
SQRT Calculates the square root.
TAN A trigonometric function.
COT A trigonometric function.

Join Query

Uqbar supports join query between time-series table and relational table, time-series table and time-series table.


Time-series tables support index-related functions to help users use index to improve query performance based on actual requirements. The index type supported by time-series tables includes BTree and Gin, partial index is not supported, and BTree supports unique index. The default index in time-series tables is LOCAL index. GLOBAL index is not supported. When data is to be deleted from a time-series table, the index in the corresponding chunk group will also be deleted.

Create an Index

Index creation syntax is the same as that for a partition table. However, GLOBAL index creation is not supported.

CREATE [ UNIQUE ] INDEX [ [schema_name.]index_name ] ON table_name [ USING method ]
    ( {{ column_name | ( expression ) } [ COLLATE collation ] [ opclass ] [ ASC | DESC ] [ NULLS LAST ] }[, ...] )
    [ LOCAL [ ( { PARTITION index_partition_name | SUBPARTITION index_subpartition_name [ TABLESPACE index_partition_tablespace ] } [, ...] ) ] ]
    [ INCLUDE ( column_name [, ...] )]
    [ WITH ( { storage_parameter = value } [, ...] ) ]
    [ TABLESPACE tablespace_name ];

Delete an Index


Modify an Index

  • Rename a table index.

    ALTER INDEX [ IF EXISTS ] index_name RENAME TO new_name;
  • Modify the storage parameters of a table index.

    ALTER INDEX [ IF EXISTS ] index_name SET ( {storage_parameter = value} [, ... ] );
  • Set a table index or index partition unavailable

    ALTER INDEX [ IF EXISTS ] index_name [ MODIFY PARTITION index_partition_name ] UNUSABLE;
  • Reset a certain storage parameter of one or more index methods of an index as the default. Similar to SET, REINDEX may need to be used for updating an index.

    ALTER INDEX [ IF EXISTS ] index_name RESET ( { storage_parameter } [,] );
  • Recreate an index in a table or index partition.

    ALTER INDEX [ IF EXISTS ] index_name REBUILD [ PARTITION index_partition_name ];
  • Rename an index partition.

    ALTER INDEX [ IF EXISTS ] index_name RENAME PARTITION index_partition_name TO new_index_partition_name;
  • Modify the tablespace to which an index partition belongs.

    ALTER INDEX [ IF EXISTS ] index_name MOVE PARTITION index_partition_name TABLESPACE new_tablespace;

Rebuild an Index

REINDEX  { INDEX|  [INTERNAL] TABLE} name PARTITION partition_name [ FORCE  ];
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