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Upgrading PTK

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$ ptk self -h

Operate with the PTK installation package. 

  ptk self [command]

Available Commands:
  upgrade     Download and automatically install PTK

  -h, --help   help for self

Online Upgrade

You can run the self upgrade command to upgrade PTK to the latest version. After the upgrade, you can run the ptk -v command to check the PTK version.


$ ptk self upgrade 

INFO[2022-07-30T10:26:36.197] downloading ptk_darwin_arm64.tar.gz...
> ptk_darwin_arm64.tar.gz: 4.86 MiB / 4.86 MiB [-------------------------------------------------------------------] 100.00% 7.48 MiB p/s 900ms
INFO[2022-07-30T10:26:37.701] download successfully
INFO[2022-07-30T10:26:37.831] upgrade ptk successfully

Offline Upgrade

Firstly, you need to download a package based on your operating system (the following link always shows you the packages of the latest versions):

Secondly, you need to put the PTK package in the PTK binary directory of the server where PTK is installed and decompress the package to override the old binary file.

# which ptk

# cd /root/.ptk/bin/
tar -xvf ptk_[os]_[arch]_.tar.gz

If the PTK version is later than 0.3, you can specify the -p parameter to perform the local upgrade.

# ptk self upgrade -p /path/to/ptk_[os]_[arch]_.tar.gz
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