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Quick Start

This document introduces two methods of quickly installing MogDB using PTK.

Note: PTK can run on multiple operating systems, such as Linux, macOS, and Windows. MogDB can be run on only Linux operating systems, and therefore make sure that a server on which MogDB is installed must run on a Linux operating system. For details about Linux OS types and versions, see [Operating Systems Supported by PTK for Installing MogDB](./overview.md#Operating Systems Supported by PTK for Installing MogDB).

PTK Download and Installation

Run the following command to install PTK.

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://cdn-mogdb.enmotech.com/ptk/install.sh | sh

Information similar to the following is displayed (the information varies depending on the type of Shell for running PTK).

info: downloading ptk package
Detected shell: bash
Shell profile:  /root/.bash_profile
ptk has been added to PATH in /root/.bash_profile
open a new terminal or source /root/.bash_profile to active it
Installed path: /root/.ptk/bin/ptk

Run the source command or open a terminal to make PTK environment variables take effect.

If the output information is similar to the above, PTK has its path added to the PATH environment variable in the /root/.bash_profile file.

Note: ~/.bash_profile varies depends on different operating systems. You can query the installation log to check which file needs to be activated.

For example, use bash as an example.

source $HOME/.bash_profile

Method 1 Single Server Without Being Configured for Database Test

This method supports only installation on Linux servers.

1. Run the demo Command

Before running this command, make sure that port 26000 is available. If you need to user other ports, use --port <PORT> to specify the port.

If you use the default port, run the following command:

ptk demo

If the PTK command is run as the root user, a random user prefixed with demo_user_ will be created on the local server as the database operation user. At the same time, the database instances and data will be stored in the /home directory of this user.

If the PTK command is run as the common user, a sample database will be created in the /home directory of the current user because the common user does not have the permission to create a new user.

After database is installed, PTK will install plugins supported by all databases for tests.

The following uses the common user demo as an example to demonstrate installation:

2. Access MogDB

Take the demo user as an example.

su - demo
gsql -r

Method 2 Database Installed Using a Configuration File

This method supports both local and remote installation.

Prepare a Configuration File

PTK installation requires a config.yaml configuration file provided by users. This configuration file can be generated by running ptk template. If local installation is required, run the following command:

ptk template --local > config.yaml

The configuration file content is as follows:

# config.yaml
  # cluster name (required)
  cluster_name: "cluster_etalatint"
  # system user for running db
  user: "omm"
  # system user group, same as username if not given
  group: "omm"
  # base directory for install MogDB server,
  # if any of app_dir, data_dir, log_dir and tool_dir not config, PTK will create corresponding directory under base_dir
  base_dir: "/opt/mogdb"

  - host: "" # Local IP address
    # database port
    db_port: 26000

If default settings are used in the configuration file, PTK will perform the following operations:

  • MogDB is installed on the local server.
  • The operating system user for running the database is omm, the user group name is omm, and the user does not have a default password.
  • The database is installed in the /opt/mogdb directory where four directories app, data, log, and tool will be created for storing database software, data files, database logs, and database-related tools.
  • The listening port of the database is 26000.

If MogDB needs to be installed on other servers or primary/standby MogDB is to be installed, more configuration information needs to be added to config.yaml. For details, see Usage.

Configuration example for one primary node and one standby node

# config.yaml
    cluster_name: mogdb_cluster1
    user: omm
    group: omm
    base_dir: /opt/mogdb
    - host:
      db_port: 26000
      role: primary
        port: 22
        user: root
        password: [Enter the SSH login password]
    - host:
      db_port: 26000
      role: standby
        port: 22
        user: root
        password: [Enter the SSH login password]

Perform System Check on the Local Server

ptk checkos -f config.yaml

Make sure the check result includes OK or Warning.

If Abnormal occurs, PTK will generates a shell script with the prefix of root_fix_os automatically by default. You can try to fix the abnormal check item by executing the shell script.

In most cases, it can be fixed. If it persists, you need to manually fix it based on the log.

Install MogDB

ptk install -f config.yaml

The MogDB of the latest version will be installed by default. You can check the version from the download page of the official website. During the installation, you will be prompted to enter the initial password of the database user, and make sure that you take a note of the password. After automatic installation of MogDB using PTK, the database instance will be started.

PTK supports customization of the installation package and manual downloading of the installation package. For example, run the following command to install MogDB using the installation package in the current directory:

ptk install -f config.yaml --pkg ./MogDB-3.0.0-openEuler-arm64.tar.gz

After successful installation, you can check the instance information by running the ptk ls command.

Access MogDB

su - omm
gsql -r

The above example provides the simplest configuration file, thereby facilitating quick experience of MogDB. For more configuration information, see Configuration.

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