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Supported Versions:

v1.4 Release Note

1.4.7 (2024-05-30)


  • Support for MogDB 5.0.7.

1.4.6 (2024-05-28)

Bug Fixes

  • ca: Modify the default key length of the ssl certificate to 3072bits and the validity period to 20 years.

1.4.5 (2024-05-14)

Bug Fixes

  • install: Installation CM method fallback to unzip and overwrite.
  • scale-out: Fix the issue of creating authdb when scaling with database users.

1.4.4 (2024-05-10)

Bug Fixes

  • cmvip: Fix error in judging conditions when mounting cm-vip.
  • demo: Fix the issue of not deleting users when uninstalling demo clusters.
  • upgrade: Fix the issue where py_pstree.py was overwritten after upgrade.

1.4.3 (2024-04-30)

Bug Fixes

  • demo: Fix the error when installing with the demo command without specifying the blocksize.
  • install: Fix installation failure without rolling back instance data.
  • load-cm-vip: Fix the issue of duplicate vip mounts.
  • status: If the cm_resource.json file does not exist when querying cm vip status, it is skipped.
  • upgrade: Fix data kernel version error when running rollback SQL.
  • upgrade: Add plugin matching rules for 3.0.x upgrade to 5.1.x/5.2.x.


  • install: Support for installation using the server installation packages.

1.4.2 (2024-04-24)

Bug Fixes

  • scaleout: Fix database startup failure due to incorrect replconninfo in postgresql.conf after scaling in dual-IP scenarios.
  • install: Fix the issue that parsing a non-standard format database version causes installation deadlocks.


  • status: ls and cluster status have been converted from space concatenation to dash concatenation when displaying version information, consistent with the database version.cfg file.

For example:

# Old version style
... |          db_version          | ...
... +------------------------------+ ...
... | MogDB 5.0.6 (build 8b0a6ca8) | ...

# Style after change
... |          db_version          | ...
... +------------------------------+ ...
... | MogDB-5.0.6 (build 8b0a6ca8) | ...

As a result of fixing the installation of non-standard version formats, the presentation of version information in non-standard formats will also be consistent with the style in version.cfg.

For example:

# Style for non-standard format versions, take openGauss Financial Edition as example
... |               db_version                 | ...
... +------------------------------------------+ ...
... | openGauss-Finance-5.0.1 (build 8b0a6ca8) | ...

1.4.1 (2024-04-11)

Bug Fixes

  • antidep: Fix the issue that determining the related function is not initialized when upgrading, which leads to panic.
  • install: Support for skipping installation package binary checking.
  • rolling: Fixed the issue that scrolling upgrades caused incorrect packages to be uploaded.
  • tui: Upgraded promptui version to fix some scene panic issues.
  • upgrade: Fix the issue of the judgment condition of parsing packages when upgrading.
  • upgrade: Enable the support_extended_features parameter on upgrade.

Style Change

  • errx: Add filename hint for 50102 error.

1.4.0 (2024.4.9)

New Features

  • Support for additional separate installation of CM or separate uninstallation of CM on existing clusters.
  • Support for rolling upgrades of MogDB to a higher version of the same kernel version (the second line in the version.cfg file).
  • Support protect_standby role detection.
  • Add patch table checking in the upgrade process.
  • Add checking of disks in resource pooling scenarios.
  • Add kernel version and release date to candidate db output.
  • Add --parallel parameter to cluster upgrade-rollback.
  • encrypt command supports --stdin and --disable-prompt parameters, and supports passing encrypted text through a pipeline.


  • Adjust the scope of the load-cm-vip command to not support MogDB versions prior to 5.0.4.
  • Update the default version of MogHA to 2.4.20.
  • Security: Desensitize logs containing plaintext passwords.
  • Check the binary file of the installation package before installation to recognize whether the architecture matches in advance.
  • Adjust the timeout for downloading files to be determined by the PTK_CMD_EXECUTE_TIMEOUT environment variable.
  • The ls and cluster status commands support status display during upgrades.
  • Removed deprecated fields localservice and remoteservice from replconninfo parameter in postgresql.conf.
  • Add check for dual network segments during installation and scaling.
  • Support comma-separated input of multiple IPs when entering IP type data interactively.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix SSH login failure in some scenarios.
  • Fix over-matching of deleted HBA entries when scaling down.
  • Fix the issue that outputs stop success when stopping a cluster fails.
  • Fix an error when there is no OM package in the installation package.
  • Fix other known bugs.
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