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gs_dbmind component reprocessing_exporter --help
usage:  [-h] [--disable-https] [--ssl-keyfile SSL_KEYFILE]
        [--ssl-certfile SSL_CERTFILE]
        [--web.listen-address WEB.LISTEN_ADDRESS]
        [--web.listen-port WEB.LISTEN_PORT]
        [--collector.config COLLECTOR.CONFIG] [--log.filepath LOG.FILEPATH]
        [--log.level {debug,info,warn,error,fatal}] [--version]
        prometheus_host prometheus_port

Reprocessing Exporter: A re-processing module for metrics stored in the
Prometheus server.

positional arguments:
  prometheus_host       from which host to pull data
  prometheus_port       the port to connect to the Prometheus host

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --disable-https       disable Https schema
  --ssl-keyfile SSL_KEYFILE
                        set the path of ssl key file
  --ssl-certfile SSL_CERTFILE
                        set the path of ssl certificate file
  --web.listen-address WEB.LISTEN_ADDRESS
                        address on which to expose metrics and web interface
  --web.listen-port WEB.LISTEN_PORT
                        listen port to expose metrics and web interface
  --collector.config COLLECTOR.CONFIG
                        according to the content of the yaml file for metric
  --log.filepath LOG.FILEPATH
                        the path to log
  --log.level {debug,info,warn,error,fatal}
                        only log messages with the given severity or above.
                        Valid levels: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal]
  --version             show program's version number and exit

表 1 reprocessing-exporter的命令行参数详情表

参数 参数说明 取值范围
prometheus_host Prometheus-server的IP地址 -
prometheus_port Prometheus-server的服务侦听端口号 1024-65535
-h, --help 帮助选项 -
--disable-https 禁用Https协议 -
--ssl-keyfile Https协议使用的证书私钥文件路径 -
--ssl-certfile Https协议使用的证书文件路径 -
--web.listen-address 该exporter服务的绑定IP -
--web.listen-port 该exporter服务的侦听端口 1024-65535
--collector.config 显性指定的待采集指标配置文件路径 -
--log.filepath 日志文件保存路径,默认保存在当前目录下 -
--log.level 日志文件的打印级别,默认为INFO级别 debug, info, warn, error, fatal
--version 显示版本信息 -


gs_dbmind component opengauss_exporter --help
usage:  [-h] --url URL [--config CONFIG] [--constant-labels CONSTANT_LABELS]
        [--web.listen-address WEB.LISTEN_ADDRESS]
        [--web.listen-port WEB.LISTEN_PORT]
        [--web.telemetry-path WEB.TELEMETRY_PATH] [--disable-cache]
        [--disable-settings-metrics] [--disable-statement-history-metrics]
        [--disable-https] [--ssl-keyfile SSL_KEYFILE]
        [--ssl-certfile SSL_CERTFILE] [--parallel PARALLEL]
        [--log.filepath LOG.FILEPATH]
        [--log.level {debug,info,warn,error,fatal}] [--version]

openGauss Exporter (DBMind): Monitoring for MogDB.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --url URL             MogDB database target url.
  --config CONFIG       path to config dir or file.
  --constant-labels CONSTANT_LABELS
                        a list of label=value separated by comma(,).
  --web.listen-address WEB.LISTEN_ADDRESS
                        address on which to expose metrics and web interface
  --web.listen-port WEB.LISTEN_PORT
                        listen port to expose metrics and web interface
  --web.telemetry-path WEB.TELEMETRY_PATH
                        path under which to expose metrics.
  --disable-cache       force not using cache.
                        not collect pg_settings.yml metrics.
                        not collect statement-history metrics (including slow
  --disable-https       disable Https schema
  --ssl-keyfile SSL_KEYFILE
                        set the path of ssl key file
  --ssl-certfile SSL_CERTFILE
                        set the path of ssl certificate file
  --parallel PARALLEL   not collect pg_settings.yml metrics.
  --log.filepath LOG.FILEPATH
                        the path to log
  --log.level {debug,info,warn,error,fatal}
                        only log messages with the given severity or above.
                        Valid levels: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal]
  --version             show program's version number and exit

表 2 openGauss-exporter的命令行参数详情表

参数 参数说明 取值范围
--url MogDB server的连接地址,例如 postgres://user:pwd@host:port/dbname -
--constant-labels 常量标签,将采集到的指标项中强行添加该标签列表 1024-65535
-h, --help 帮助选项 -
--disable-https 禁用Https协议 -
--ssl-keyfile Https协议使用的证书私钥文件路径 -
--ssl-certfile Https协议使用的证书文件路径 -
--web.listen-address 该exporter服务的绑定IP -
--web.listen-port 该exporter服务的侦听端口 1024-65535
--web.telemetry-path 该exporter采集指标的URI地址,默认为 /metrics -
--config 显性指定的待采集指标配置文件路径 -
--log.filepath 日志文件保存路径,默认保存在当前目录下 -
--log.level 日志文件的打印级别,默认为INFO级别 debug, info, warn, error, fatal
--version 显示版本信息 -
--disable-cache 禁止使用缓存 -
--disable-settings-metrics 禁止采集pg_settings表的值 -
--disable-statement-history-metrics 禁止收集statement_history表中的慢SQL信息 -
--parallel 连接到MogDB的数据库连接池的大小 正整数
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