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DV_SESSIONS displays all session information about the current session. By default, only the system administrator can access this view. Common users can access the view only after being authorized.

Table 1 DV_SESSIONS columns

Name Type Description
sid bigint OID of the active backend thread of the current session
serial# integer Sequence number of the backend thread of the current activity, which is 0 in openGauss
user# oid OID of the user that has logged in to the backend thread. The OID is 0 if the backend thread is a global auxiliary thread.
username name Name of the user logged in to the backend process. The value is null if the backend thread is a global auxiliary thread.
application_name can be identified by associating with pg_stat_get_activity().
select s.*,a.application_name from DV_SESSIONS as s left join pg_stat_get_activity(NULL) as a on s.sid=a.sessionid;
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