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Security Functions

  • gs_encrypt_aes128(encryptstr,keystr)

    Description: Encrypts encryptstr strings using keystr as the key and returns encrypted strings. The value of keystr ranges from 8 to 16 bytes and contains at least three types of the following characters: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters.

    Return type: text

    Length of the return value: At least 92 bytes and no more than (4 * [Len/3] + 68 ) bytes, where Len indicates the length of the data before encryption (unit: byte).


    MogDB=# SELECT gs_encrypt_aes128('MPPDB','Asdf1234');
    (1 row)

    img NOTE: A decryption password is required during the execution of this function. For security purposes, the gsql tool does not record the function in the execution history. That is, the execution history of this function cannot be found in gsql by paging up and down.

  • gs_encrypt(encryptstr,keystr, encrypttype)

    Description: Encrypts encryptstr strings using keystr as the key and returns encrypted strings based on encrypttype. The value of keystr contains 8 to 16 bytes and at least three types of the following characters: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters. The value of encrypttype can be aes128 or sm4.

    Return type: text


    MogDB=#  SELECT gs_encrypt('MPPDB','Asdf1234','sm4');
    (1 row)

    img NOTE: A decryption password is required during the execution of this function. For security purposes, the gsql tool does not record the function in the execution history. That is, the execution history of this function cannot be found in gsql by paging up and down.

  • gs_decrypt_aes128(decryptstr,keystr)

    Description: Decrypts decrypt strings using keystr as the key and returns decrypted strings. The keystr used for decryption must be consistent with that used for encryption. keystr cannot be empty.

    img NOTE: This parameter needs to be used with the gs_encrypt_aes128 encryption function.

    Return type: text


    MogDB=# SELECT gs_decrypt_aes128('gwditQLQG8NhFw4OuoKhhQJoXojhFlYkjeG0aYdSCtLCnIUgkNwvYI04KbuhmcGZp8jWizBdR1vU9CspjuzI0lbz12A=','1234');
    (1 row)

    img NOTE: A decryption password is required during the execution of this function. For security purposes, the gsql tool does not record the function in the execution history. That is, the execution history of this function cannot be found in gsql by paging up and down.

  • gs_decrypt(decryptstr, keystr, decrypttype)

    Description: Decrypts decrypt strings using keystr as the key and returns decrypted strings based on decrypttype. The decrypttype and keystr used for decryption must be consistent with those used for encryption. The value of keystr cannot be empty. The value of decrypttype can be aes128 or sm4.

    This function needs to be used with the gs_encrypt encryption function.

    Return type: text


    MogDB=# select gs_decrypt('ZBzOmaGA4Bb+coyucJ0B8AkIShqc','Asdf1234','sm4');
    (1 row)

    img NOTE: A decryption password is required during the execution of this function. For security purposes, the gsql tool does not record the function in the execution history. That is, the execution history of this function cannot be found in gsql by paging up and down.

  • gs_password_deadline

    Description: Indicates the number of remaining days before the password of the current user expires.

    Return type: interval


    MogDB=# SELECT gs_password_deadline();
     83 days 17:44:32.196094
    (1 row)
  • gs_password_notifytime

    Description: Specifies the number of days prior to password expiration that a user will receive a reminder.

    Return type: int32

  • login_audit_messages

    Description: Queries login information about a login user.

    Return type: tuple


    • Check the date, time, and IP address successfully authenticated during the last login.

      mogdb=> select * from login_audit_messages(true);
      username | database |       logintime        |    mytype     | result | client_conninfo
      omm      | openGauss | 2020-06-29 21:56:40+08 | login_success | ok     | gsql@[local]
      (1 row)
    • Check the date, time, and IP address that failed to be authenticated during the last login.

      mogdb=>  select * from login_audit_messages(false) ORDER BY logintime desc limit 1;
      username | database |       logintime        |    mytype    | result |  client_conninfo
      omm      | openGauss | 2020-06-29 21:57:55+08 | login_failed | failed | [unknown]@[local]
      (1 row)
    • Check the number of failed attempts, date, and time since the previous successful authentication.

      mogdb=>  select * from login_audit_messages(false);
      username | database |       logintime        |    mytype    | result |  client_conninfo
      omm      | openGauss | 2020-06-29 21:57:55+08 | login_failed | failed | [unknown]@[local]
      omm      | openGauss | 2020-06-29 21:57:53+08 | login_failed | failed | [unknown]@[local]
      (2 rows)
  • login_audit_messages_pid

    Description: Queries login information about a login user. Different from login_audit_messages, this function queries login information based on backendid. Information about subsequent logins of the same user does not alter the query result of previous logins and cannot be found using this function.

    Return type: tuple


    • Check the date, time, and IP address successfully authenticated during the last login.

      mogdb=> SELECT * FROM login_audit_messages_pid(true);
      username | database |       logintime        |    mytype     | result | client_conninfo |    backendid
      omm      | openGauss | 2020-06-29 21:56:40+08 | login_success | ok     | gsql@[local]    | 139823109633792
      (1 row)
    • Check the date, time, and IP address that failed to be authenticated during the last login.

      mogdb=> SELECT * FROM login_audit_messages_pid(false) ORDER BY logintime desc limit 1;
      username | database |       logintime        |    mytype    | result |  client_conninfo  |    backendid
      omm      | openGauss | 2020-06-29 21:57:55+08 | login_failed | failed | [unknown]@[local] | 139823109633792
      (1 row)
    • Check the number of failed attempts, date, and time since the previous successful authentication.

      mogdb=> SELECT * FROM login_audit_messages_pid(false);
      username | database |       logintime        |    mytype    | result |  client_conninfo  |    backendid
      omm      | openGauss | 2020-06-29 21:57:55+08 | login_failed | failed | [unknown]@[local] | 139823109633792
      omm      | openGauss | 2020-06-29 21:57:53+08 | login_failed | failed | [unknown]@[local] | 139823109633792
      (2 rows)
  • inet_server_addr

    Description: Displays the server IP address.

    Return type: inet


    MogDB=# SELECT inet_server_addr();
    (1 row)

    img NOTE:

    • The client IP address and server IP address are used as an example.
    • If the database is connected to the local PC, the value is empty.
  • inet_client_addr

    Description: Displays the client IP address.

    Return type: inet


    MogDB=# SELECT inet_client_addr();
    (1 row)

    img NOTE:

    • The client IP address and server IP address are used as an example.
    • If the database is connected to the local PC, the value is empty.
  • pg_query_audit

    Description: Views audit logs of the primary database node.

    Return type: record

    The following table describes return fields.

    Name Type Description
    time timestamp with time zone Operation time
    type text Operation
    result text Operation result
    userid oid User ID
    username text Name of the user who performs the operation
    database text Database name
    client_conninfo text Client connection information
    object_name text Object name
    detail_info text Operation details
    node_name text Node name
    thread_id text Thread ID
    local_port text Local port
    remote_port text Remote port

    For details about how to use the function and details about function examples, see Querying Audit Results.

  • pg_delete_audit

    Description: Deletes audit logs in a specified period.

    Return value type: void

    For details about how to use the function and details about function examples, see Maintaining Audit Logs.

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