- 关于PTK
- 快速入门
- 使用指南
- 使用参考
- 配置文件示例
- 命令介绍
- ptk
- ptk completion
- ptk view-static-config
- ptk init-cluster
- ptk collect
- ptk rec-guc
- ptk cache
- ptk gen-ptkc
- ptk manage
- ptk demo
- ptk meta
- ptk version
- ptk self
- ptk gen-om-xml
- ptk env
- ptk gen-static-config
- ptk cluster
- ptk cluster createdb
- ptk cluster uninstall-compat-tools
- ptk cluster install-compat-tools
- ptk cluster install-mogila
- ptk cluster rename
- ptk cluster throwout
- ptk cluster takeover
- ptk cluster uninstall-cm
- ptk cluster install-cm
- ptk cluster gen-cert-files
- ptk cluster load-cm-vip
- ptk cluster del-kerberos-auth
- ptk cluster add-kerberos-auth
- ptk cluster uninstall-kerberos-server
- ptk cluster install-kerberos-server
- ptk cluster is-in-upgrade
- ptk cluster upgrade-rollback
- ptk cluster upgrade-commit
- ptk cluster upgrade
- ptk cluster demote
- ptk cluster promote
- ptk cluster refresh
- ptk cluster shell
- ptk cluster modify-comment
- ptk cluster show-config
- ptk cluster set-guc
- ptk cluster show-guc
- ptk cluster set-hba
- ptk cluster show-hba
- ptk cluster scale-out
- ptk cluster scale-in
- ptk cluster uninstall-mogha
- ptk cluster install-mogha
- ptk cluster list-plugins
- ptk cluster install-plugin
- ptk cluster inspect
- ptk cluster failover
- ptk cluster switchover
- ptk cluster build
- ptk cluster status
- ptk cluster restart
- ptk cluster stop
- ptk cluster start
- ptk uninstall
- ptk ls
- ptk install
- ptk exec
- ptk template
- ptk encrypt
- ptk checkos
- ptk download
- ptk candidate
- 故障排查
- 发布记录
- 社区
- 附录:YAML语法
在由 PTK 管理的部分集群中,有时会期望放弃对集群中某一个节点的管理,然而该集群由于数据众多而无法进行重新删除安装。鉴于此种情况,PTK 1.5.0 引入了 throwout
PTK 针对 throwout 设定了一些限制,例如:当前集群为一主一备一级联,此时若要抛弃备库或主库是不被允许的,需先将级联备库抛弃后,方可抛弃备库。然后在抛弃主库。
利用 PTK 抛弃指定节点的命令如下:
# 指定ip
ptk cluster -n <CLUSTER_NAME> throwout -H <IP>
# 指定节点ID
ptk cluster -n <CLUSTER_NAME> throwout -i <ID>
- 在进行
操作时,需查看指定节点是否存在下游库。 - 需确认指定的节点是否处于当前集群。
在 throwout
$ ptk cluster -n <CLUSTER_NAME> throwout -i <ID>
Nodes to be throwout:
- <IP>
✔ Are you sure you want to throwout them (default=n) [y/n]: █
当然,PTK 提供了 -y|--yes