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MogDB JDBC Changelog

MogDB JDBC Changelog mainly contains new features, improvements, BUG fixes and other changes. Please read the details below carefully to understand any changes.



  • connection.getMetaData.getDriverName() The unified name is no longer displayed PostgreSQL/openGauss
    • mogdb-jdbc-{version}.og MogDB JDBC Driver For og
    • mogdb-jdbc-{version}.pg MogDB JDBC Driver For pg
    • mogdb-jdbc-{version}.mg MogDB JDBC Driver For mg


  • PgCallableStatement supports executeQuery method without error
  • Adapted to MogDB 5.0.6 to return the number of error rows in batch mode (batchMode=on)
  • ParseSQL supports UTF8 encoding full-width space parsing
  • The driver automatically sets behavior_compat_options to include compat_oracle_txn_control according to the autocommit value
    • The compat_oracle_txn_control option cannot be set through set behavior_compat_options after connection
    • autocommit=true. Automatically remove the option compat_oracle_txn_control in behavior_compat_options
    • autocommit=false. Check whether compat_oracle_txn_control exists according to the initial connection to set behavior_compat_options
      • If it exists at the initialization, behavior_compat_options contains compat_oracle_txn_control
      • If initialization does not exist, behavior_compat_options does not contain compat_oracle_txn_control
  • PrepareCall setBlob and registerOut blob send incorrect flags to the kernel
  • PgStruct.getBastTypename returns without schema information

Version (2024-04-15)


  • Fix DB Parameter compat_oracle_txn_control and url autosave/ setSavepoint issue

    • autosave decides whether to send savepoint based on kernel transaction status
    • Using the setSavepoint method does not consider the compat_oracle_txn_control parameter and the same logic as before



  • Fix db kernel parameter compat_oracle_txn_control and jdbc setAutoCommit(true) not commit issue



  • Adapt kernel parameter enable_plsql_return_hold_cursor scenario to fetchSize
  • Adapt kernel parameter compat_oracle_txn_control does not send start trans under setAutoCommit(false)


  • Fixed int2vector/oidvector/oidvector_extend/int2vector_extend query data problem
  • Fixed the scenario where hibernate sets the Clob length to 0



  • feature JDBC supports read/write splitting routing based on SQL statements at the statement level
  • I8G7TQ JDBC support cleanupSavepoints
  • I7WQOW JDBC support uint1/uint2/uint4/uint8


  • I8FJTX The blob type returns an exception
  • I8GEZY JDBC to connect compatible B database , an error is reported in the execution trigger syntax and the statement is truncated
  • I8I0AW you cannot insert double-quoted column names into uppercase databases
  • I8AJBK When JDBC inserts data in batches, the preparedStatementCacheQueries parameter does not take effect, and the cachedplan data on the database side rises rapidly


  • I89ZZU ParseSQL supports symmetric block comments (C style)
  • [] Control whether to actively close the stored procedure return cursor according to the kernel parameter enable_plsql_return_hold_cursor
  • [] Add parameter enableUsrpwdCaseInsensitive to control whether the connection user name and password are case-insensitive according to the kernel parameter enable_usrpwd_case_insensitive
  • []Adapt Oracle begin end anonymous block SQL statement execution



  • I8G9XM jdbc return Type value for openGauss cursor type is inconsistent with Oracle and needs to be compatible
  • I8G9SY jdbc calls procedure to register the parameter as double, but the database return type is NUMERIC, and an error occurs
  • I8G9N7 jdbc calls procedure to register the parameter as char, but the database return type is varchar, and an error occurs


  • I8D6H1 When a field in the struct is null, there will be exceptions in parsing and generating
  • I8B89Q UTF8Encoding has defects
  • I8C2X3 errMessageForQuery does not consider the length issue
  • I84URC In the jdbc driver, there is a problem with the "/" division operator in the SQL statement.


  • I81MKF PgStruct cannot handle data containing special characters or special formats in input or output
  • I82Z5W The JDBC driver supports processing returning statements during batch insertion



  • I7IGAY When CallableStatement registers the parameter type as Types.STRUCT, CallableStatement.execute() reports an error
  • I7WYWS supports JDBC standard createStruct interface
  • I7VHXI The information obtained by PgObject through PgArray through PgObject.getArrayValue() does not meet expectations.
  • I7QQ05 It is recommended to support the option parameter in the PG native JDBC driver connection string.
  • I7JDF9 jdbc calls a custom function. The out parameter and return value are of numeric type 0, and the return results are inconsistent.


  • I7W41A benchmarksql and database cannot be tested normally using unix domain sockets when they are on the same machine
  • I7PJFQ The driver under Druid reported an IO exception
  • I7PAP9 When using mybatis to convert java.util.Date to Timestamp, the data cannot be filtered correctly.


  • I7WXRI The problem of the upper limit of the number of bind variables needs to be fixed (incorporated into pgjdbc’s fix)
  • I7OP8Y In JDBC batch mode, the bound variable type takes the first batch OID optimization
  • I7I9DQ There is ambiguity in _getNameStatement in typecache
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