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Workload-level Index Recommendation

For workload-level indexes, you can run scripts outside the database to use this function. This function uses the workload of multiple DML statements as the input to generate a batch of indexes that can optimize the overall workload execution performance. In addition, it provides the function of extracting service data SQL statements from logs.


  • The database is normal, and the client can be connected properly.

  • The gsql tool has been installed by the current user, and the tool path has been added to the PATH environment variable.

  • The Python 3.6+ environment is available.

  • To use the service data extraction function, you need to set the GUC parameters of the node whose data is to be collected as follows:

    • log_min_duration_statement = 0

    • log_statement= 'all'

      img NOTE: After service data extraction is complete, you are advised to restore the preceding GUC parameters. Otherwise, log files may be expanded.

Procedure for Using the Service Data Extraction Script

  1. Set the GUC parameters according to instructions in the prerequisites.

  2. Run the Python script extract_log.py:

    ython extract_log.py [l LOG_DIRECTORY] [f OUTPUT_FILE] [-d DATABASE] [-U USERNAME][--start_time] [--sql_amount] [--statement] [--json]

    The input parameters are as follows:

    • LOG_DIRECTORY: directory for storing pg_log.
    • OUTPUT_PATH: path for storing the output SQL statements, that is, path for storing the extracted service data.
    • DATABASE (optional): database name. If this parameter is not specified, all databases are selected by default.
    • USERNAME (optional): username. If this parameter is not specified, all users are selected by default.
    • start_time (optional): start time for log collection. If this parameter is not specified, all files are collected by default.
    • sql_amount (optional): maximum number of SQL statements to be collected. If this parameter is not specified, all SQL statements are collected by default.
    • statement (optional): Collects the SQL statements starting with statement in pg_log log. If this parameter is not specified, the SQL statements are not collected by default.
    • json: Specifies that the collected log files are stored in JSON format after SQL normalization. If the default format is not specified, each SQL statement occupies a line.

    An example is provided as follows.

    python extract_log.py $GAUSSLOG/pg_log/dn_6001 sql_log.txt -d postgres -U omm --start_time '2021-07-06 00:00:00' --statement
  3. Change the GUC parameter values set in step 1 to the values before the setting.

Procedure for Using the Index Recommendation Script

  1. Prepare a file that contains multiple DML statements as the input workload. Each statement in the file occupies a line. You can obtain historical service statements from the offline logs of the database.

  2. Run the Python script index_advisor_workload.py:

    python index_advisor_workload.py [p PORT] [d DATABASE] [f FILE] [--h HOST] [-U USERNAME] [-W PASSWORD][--schema SCHEMA][--max_index_num MAX_INDEX_NUM][--max_index_storage MAX_INDEX_STORAGE] [--multi_iter_mode] [--multi_node]  [--json] [--driver] [--show_detail]

    The input parameters are as follows:

    • PORT: port number of the connected database.
    • DATABASE: name of the connected database.
    • FILE: file path that contains the workload statement.
    • HOST (optional): ID of the host that connects to the database.
    • USERNAME (optional): username for connecting to the database.
    • PASSWORD (optional): password for connecting to the database.
    • SCHEMA: schema name.
    • MAX_INDEX_NUM (optional): maximum number of recommended indexes.
    • MAX_INDEX_STORAGE (optional): maximum size of the index set space.
    • multi_node (optional): specifies whether the current instance is a distributed database instance.
    • multi_iter_mode (optional): algorithm mode. You can switch the algorithm mode by setting this parameter.
    • json (optional): Specifies the file path format of the workload statement as JSON after SQL normalization. By default, each SQL statement occupies one line.
    • driver (optional): Specifies whether to use the Python driver to connect to the database. By default, gsql is used for the connection.
    • show_detail (optional): Specifies whether to display the detailed optimization information about the current recommended index set.


    python index_advisor_workload.py 6001 postgres tpcc_log.txt --schema public --max_index_num 10 --multi_iter_mode

    The recommendation result is a batch of indexes, which are displayed on the screen in the format of multiple create index statements. The following is an example of the result.

    create index ind0 on public.bmsql_stock(s_i_id,s_w_id);
    create index ind1 on public.bmsql_customer(c_w_id,c_id,c_d_id);
    create index ind2 on public.bmsql_order_line(ol_w_id,ol_o_id,ol_d_id);
    create index ind3 on public.bmsql_item(i_id);
    create index ind4 on public.bmsql_oorder(o_w_id,o_id,o_d_id);
    create index ind5 on public.bmsql_new_order(no_w_id,no_d_id,no_o_id);
    create index ind6 on public.bmsql_customer(c_w_id,c_d_id,c_last,c_first);
    create index ind7 on public.bmsql_new_order(no_w_id);
    create index ind8 on public.bmsql_oorder(o_w_id,o_c_id,o_d_id);
    create index ind9 on public.bmsql_district(d_w_id);

    img NOTE: The value of the multi_node parameter must be specified based on the current database architecture. Otherwise, the recommendation result is incomplete, or even no recommendation result is generated.

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